1. Boys' White Boxer Shorts with UK Version Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm System - Latest 8-Tone Technology
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1. Boys' White Boxer Shorts with UK Version Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm System - Latest 8-Tone Technology

The Boys' White Boxer Shorts paired with the UK Version Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm System offers a premium solution for effective and stress-free bedwetting training. Designed for boys, these white boxer shorts are made from soft, high-quality fabric, ensuring comfort and durability for nightly wear. They feature discreet built-in sensors that detect moisture and promptly trigger the Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm, which emits one of eight adjustable tones. This innovative technology helps train the body to respond to nighttime bladder signals, encouraging dry nights over time.
The wireless alarm unit is compact and easy to use, offering freedom of movement without the hassle of cords. With customizable volume and tone settings, it provides a tailored approach for every user. Ideal for children and teenagers, this complete system combines comfort, convenience, and effectiveness to make bedwetting training a positive experience for both kids and parents. The product comes with detailed instructions and excellent support to ensure successful use.
Height 116cms - Age 5/6 - Waist 19 - 24"
Height 128cms - Age 7/8 - Waist 21 - 26"
Height 140cms - Age 9/10 - Waist 23 - 28"
Height 152cms - Age 11/12 - Waist 25 - 30"
Height 164cms - Age 13/14 - Waist 27 - 32"
Height 176cms - Age 15/16 - Waist 29 - 34"
Height 188cms - Age 17+ - Waist 31 - 36"
Large - Mens - Wasit 38"
Large - Womens - Waist 38"
X Large - Mens - Waist 40"
X-Large - Womens - Waist 40"
XX-Large - Mens - Waist 42"