Latest News / Updates to the Rodger Wireless Remote Enuresis Alarm
Release of the New Rodger CLIPPO Bed Wetting Alarm System
(April 24, 2012)Rodger Clippo Alarm

This is the new offering from Rodger - the Rodger Clippo is an alternative system to the Rodger Wireless Alarm system. Whilst it ensures the same quality and reliability that is synonymous with the Rodger branding it provides an alternative bedwetting solution for those that either do not want or feel the need for a wireless enuresis alarm.
The Rodger Clippo alarm is an excellent day training alarm as it has the ability to be used with just the vibrate funtion which ensures privacy for the user.
For night time use, just like the Rodger Wireless alarm, the Rodger Clippo alarm has the choice of 8 different alarm tones, so combines sound with vibration.
The unique feature of the Rodger Clippo alarm which sets it apart from other wired alarms is the ability to adapt the alarm to use either the clip sensor or the Rodger sensor briefs that are used with the Rodger Wireless alarms. This allows the user and carer to make important choices regarding the use of the alarm. It addresses the self esteem issues that some children have regarding the placement of clip sensors near their 'private' areas. Whilst some children really couldn't care less, others, especially the older users, do find the whole situation rather embarassing and anything that can make the treatment more 'friendly' has got to be a good thing!!